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Although geishas have been associated with prostitutes and some of them have worked as it. Their true role is to be trained professionals entertainers who attend guests during meals, banquets and other occasions. They are taught in various traditional Japanese arts. Their role is to make guests feel at ease with conversation, drinking games and dance. I do not like that; they are associated with sex roles because some geishas failed the actual objective of their profession: show the true beauty of traditional Japanese arts in a very respectful way. During the Meiji Period, it was hard because new rules were imposed and laws did not benefit the difference, even so geishas spread out their voice through newspapers to claim their rights, thanks to that they gained popularity, for that reason we can testify that the Meiji period was the true “Enlightment of Geishas” because not only their figure of women of traditional Japanese arts were defined, but also they gained power thanks to statesmen’s leaders and preserve the purity of Japanese tradition; were they still survive in a few neighborhoods.

 They also got internationalized thanks to their first contact with a foreign audience at a public performance occurred at an annual event called Miyako Odori, when the geishas of Gion perform their dance and music onstage. The value of this novelty led Miyako Odori  and therefore Gion,  to great popular acclaim, until today, that the neighborhood receives millions of visitors looking to see a geisha since their performances are not affordable to everyone.

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